Case Study: Driving Direct Bookings and Brand Awareness with's Email Marketing

Jim Sterling
Customer Success
September 22, 2023
3 min

Customer Profile

Name: Emily Williams

Background: Emily is a vacation rental host who owns a picturesque countryside estate in Tuscany, Italy.

Property: "Villa Bella Vista" - A stunning villa surrounded by vineyards and olive groves.


Emily's goal was to increase the proportion of direct bookings for her villa and raise brand awareness in the highly competitive vacation rental market. She recognized the need for an effective email marketing strategy but lacked a way to collect guest email addresses efficiently.


Emily discovered, a service that allowed vacation rental hosts to create signup links for collecting guest email addresses. This service had the potential to help her build a robust email marketing campaign, leading to more direct bookings and improved brand recognition.


Setting up Emily signed up for and began using the service to create signup links, which she placed on her property's website and in her booking confirmation emails.

Email Marketing Campaign: Emily initiated an email marketing campaign, targeting past guests and website visitors who had subscribed through Her campaign included:

  • Personalized Welcome Emails: Expressing gratitude for their stay and offering exclusive discounts for direct bookings.
  • Monthly Newsletters: Featuring local events, wine-tasting experiences, and culinary delights.
  • Seasonal Promotions: Offering special rates for off-peak bookings and early bird reservations.

Guest Engagement: Emily encouraged guests to share their experiences on social media and refer friends and family to subscribe to her newsletters through signup links.


Emily's strategic use of's email marketing capabilities yielded impressive results:

  • Increased Direct Bookings: Over the course of a year, the proportion of direct bookings for Villa Bella Vista doubled, reducing reliance on third-party platforms and associated fees.
  • Improved Brand Awareness: Consistent email marketing campaigns helped raise awareness of Emily's villa. Past guests became brand ambassadors, sharing their experiences and referring new subscribers through's signup links.
  • Enhanced Guest Loyalty: The personal touch of Emily's email marketing, combined with exclusive offers, fostered loyalty among previous guests who were now more likely to return.
  • Cost Efficiency: By focusing on direct bookings, Emily reduced the overall cost of acquiring new guests and improved her profit margins.


Emily Williams' use of's signup links and email marketing capabilities proved to be a game-changer for Villa Bella Vista. By efficiently collecting guest email addresses and leveraging email marketing, she not only increased the proportion of direct bookings but also significantly raised brand awareness. Emily's dedication to building strong guest relationships and innovative marketing strategies led to a thriving vacation rental business in the picturesque countryside of Tuscany.

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Get More Repeat Bookings helps short term rental hosts build up a database of future guest e-mails and phones, as well as engage them with simple, effective marketing campaigns
